Building Desktop Apps with Blazor

Jim Buck


November 20, 2019


  1. Blazor

  2. Demo

  3. Electron

  4. Demo

  5. Desktop Blazor

  6. Demo

Intro to Blazor

Blazor Logo

What is Blazor?

  • Component-based UI framework

  • Reactive programming model

  • 100% C# and Razor

  • Optional JS-interop API

Flavors of Blazor

  • Blazor WebAssembly

  • Blazor Server

  • Hybrid

  • Native

Blazor WebAssmebly

  • Client downloads runtime and DLLs.

  • Powered by Mono (wasm and mono)

  • Supports PWA's

  • Releasing with ASP.NET Core 3.1

Blazor Server

  • All domain logic is on server

  • Prerender page on request

  • Input sent to server via SignalR

  • DOM diff sent back to client

Blazor Hybrid

  • Server when connected

  • WebAssembly when disconnected

  • Not officially announced, but "planned"

Blazor Native

  • Non-HTML rendering (native controls)

  • Totally unofficial, pipe dream

Use Cases

  • Traditional .NET development team

  • Migrating from WebForms or MVC

  • Full-stack, single vendor

Building with Blazor


  • .NET Core SDK 3.0

  • Visual Studio 2019 or VS Code

  • dotnet new blazorserver


@page "/"

@using BlazorDemo.Data

@inject UserData userData

<div class="row">



<div class="row">

  <NavLink href="/upload" Match="NavLinkMatch.Prefix">Begin</NavLink>


@code {

    protected override void OnInitialized()






@using BlazorDemo.Models

<div class="photo-stack">

    @foreach (var photo in Photos) {

        <img src="@photo.Path" class="rand@(rand.Next(0, 5))" />



@code {

    private Random rand = new Random();


    public List<Photo> Photos { get; set; }



  • Regular classes

  • Dependency Injection

    • Scoped for Connection Lifetime
  • Re-usable across projects


  • Breakpoints in .cshtml/.razor

  • Kinda slow

  • dotnet watch run

  • Improvements are planned

Blazor Demo

Intro to Electron

Electron Logo

What is Electron?

  • Platform for desktop apps using web tech

  • Node.js + Chrome = Electron

  • Un-sandboxed environment

  • Cross-platform, accessible, extensible

Main Process

  • Entry point

  • Primary process

  • Node.js file

Renderer Process

  • Per window

  • Uses IPC to communicate with Main

  • Full access to Node.js runtime

Use Cases

  • Fast iteration time for web developers

  • Reuse code across websites and desktop

  • True cross-platform UI and logic

Built with Electron

VS Code, Slack, Microsoft Teams,

Postman, and MANY more!

Building With Electron

Main Process

const {app, BrowserWindow} = require('electron');

let win;

app.on('ready', () => {

    win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 });



Renderer Process

  • Regular HTML file

  • JS is Node.js (require/import)

  • Security can be reduced/disabled


Electron Demo

Desktop with Blazor

Blazor/Electron Logos


  1. Install ElectronNET.API/ElectronNET.CLI

  2. Initialize the project using ElectronNET.CLI

  3. Update 2 files (Program.cs and Startup.cs)

dotnet add package ElectronNET.API

dotnet new tool-manifest

dotnet tool install ElectronNET.CLI

dotnet electronize init


  • Add ElectronNET specifics to Startup.cs

  • dotnet electronize start

  • Open DevTools


dotnet electronize build /target win

# OR

dotnet electronize build /target osx

# OR

dotnet electronize build /target linux

  • Unpacked binaries

  • Installer

Desktop Blazor Demo



(Slides/Repo will be available later this week)
